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Tree Pruning – The Importance

Arborist climbing cottonwood tree with ropes and harness

Spring tree pruning should be a part of your regular tree maintenance. Tree pruning comes with a host of benefits. Low Stump Tree Service provides tree pruning and other tree maintenance services to ensure your trees are healthy! Below, we will consider the many benefits of tree pruning. Tree pruning not only helps your trees to grow but also keeps you and your property safe and secure.

Encourages Tree Growth

Proper pruning encourages tree growth by thinning any overcrowded branches. This allows sun, rain, and wind to move through the branches freely. Overcrowding can cause tree limbs to die, which can cause limbs to break. This can cause injuries or damage to your property.

Helps Tree Structure

A certified tree specialist understands how certain trees should grow. The structure of your tree is vital to its growth and health. A structurally sound tree is a healthy and safe tree. By creating a specific growth pattern, your tree will not have broken or dead limbs.

Creates A Safe Environment

Proper pruning helps keep you and your property safe. A properly pruned tree is a safe and happy tree! Pruning your tree prevents a fire risk and ensures damaged or broken limbs will not fall from your tree. A large branch can cause personal injury or damage to your home and vehicle.

If your trees have not been pruned this spring, now is the time! It is best to prune your trees as they begin to wake up from the harsh winter. Pruning and a tree inspection will ensure your trees are ready for summer. Your tree specialist will also be able to see if your tree has any diseases or insect infestations. If it does, they can treat your tree so that it flourishes and grows healthy for the rest of the year!

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